iii. Total and Permanent Disability
If, as the result of an accidental injury an insured employee becomes Totally Disabled, which disability has continued for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months and is unable to engage in any gainful occupation or employment for the remainder of the Insured employee’s life, the benefit amount shall be paid in a lump-sum to such Insured employee.
iv. Accidental Medical Expenses Reimbursement (AMR)
If, as a result of an accidental injury, an insured employee shall require treatment by a physician, use of hospital facilities, or the employment of a licensed or graduate nurse while at the hospital, the Reasonable, Customary and Necessary medical expenses incurred within fifty two (52) weeks from the date of the accident for such physician treatment, hospital charges and nurses fees, which are in excess of the deductible (if any) and up to insured amount limit stated in the Policy shall be paid.
v. Accidental Weekly Disability Indemnity (AWI)
If, as the result of an accidental injury, an insured employee is Totally Disabled and remains so continuously for a period in excess of the Elimination Period i.e. 1 week (7 days), the Weekly Accidental Disability Indemnity applicable to such Insured employee shall be paid periodically beginning with the first day following such Elimination Period, for the continuous duration of Total Disability, but not to exceed the maximum period of fifty two (52) weeks.
vii. In-Hospital Weekly Income – Accident & Sickness (IH- A&S)
When, as the result of accidental Injury or commencement of sickness, an insured employee shall be necessarily confined within a hospital as an In-patient for at least 24 hours under the continuous attendance of a physician, the Weekly Benefit stated in the Policy shall be paid, for each week that the Insured person shall be confined therein, up to fifty-two (52) weeks, commencing immediately following the Elimination (if any) stated in the Policy.
MetLife Group Insurance Policies contain certain exclusions, deductibles, limitations and terms. Contact MetLife representative or call us for more information.
Group Critical Illness
Critical Illness provides a lump sum payment to an insured employee when the insured employee is diagnosed to be suffering from a critical illness as listed and defined in the Policy. Employees and their dependants can be covered under one of the following 3 plans.
Plan 1: Major Cancer Only; or
Plan 2: Major Cancers, Stroke, First Heart Attack, Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Valve Surgery, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension;
Plan 3: Major Cancers, Stroke, First Heart Attack, Serious Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Valve Surgery, Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, End Stage Lung Disease, End Stage Liver Failure, Fulminant Hepatitis, Kidney Failure, Coma, Aplastic Anaemia, Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplantation.
First policy issue date: 02/05/2004
NIA Product Code: NIA/LI005/2060/061/GP/0004
GL, GPA, CI Policy Wording